You Are Given Two Choices

This is great, although imperfect because of the breakthrough cases, but take it for what it is.

I've had a few interactions recently with people who refuse to get the Covid vaccine. One of their arguments is the 99% survival rate. I came up with this analogy.

You are given two choices. The first choice is to go into a room with 99 other people and draw a marble from a box.

60 people draw a blue marble. A large man then smacks them on the side of the head with a cupped first and says they can leave. It hurts, but it wears off quickly.

30 draw a red marble. They get worked over a bit more—black eye, bloody nose, split lip. But they walk out under their own steam and heal within a week.

9 draw a yellow marble. They get the shit stomped out of them. They do not walk out under their own power. Their injuries take months to heal, and some will never be back to normal.

1 draws a green marble. He's killed—slowly, clumsily. If he's lucky, he passes out before the shades permanently go down.

The 2nd choice? Don't go into the room at all.

Why would anyone pick the first option?

~John Mathews

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