This Was Not on My Bingo Card

I woke up two days ago with some minor pain on my right side. I didn't think much of it, attributing it to sleeping wrong on a pillow that was probably due for replacement. I tried a different pillow that night and woke up yesterday in the same situation. By mid-morning it was hurting to take any large breaths. By mid afternoon the pain had moved from my side to my chest, just right of the sternum and it started coming in waves; it wasn't just when taking deep breaths. It was the worst pain I'd ever felt since passing those kidney stones 13 years ago. I didn't think it was a heart attack because I had none of the other symptoms (numbness, tingling, shooting pain down my arm) but something was definitely amiss and Ben left work early to take me to the ER.

TLDR, after numerous tests and scans, it was not a heart attack, or—as my intake doctor and my nurse friend Cindy posited—gallbladder related. It is (probably aspiration) pneumonia. They started me on IV antibiotics this morning and I'm feeling a lot better already, but I'll still be holed up here for at least another 24 hours…

More to follow, I'm sure.

5 Replies to “This Was Not on My Bingo Card”

  1. Damn! It's good to hear you're doing better. Hope you're home soon!

  2. Wow, I hope you get better soon! And I hope the food is good while you're there and the eye candy even better.

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