Fuck This Guy

I couldn't have said it better myself.

From Greg Fallis:

This guy, I declare. This whiny, small-minded, pissy-pants guy. This privileged, lying, unworthy, lazy, ignorant guy. This vindictive, self-pitying, arrogant, despicable guy. This conceited, fuck-witted, always complaining, cowardly guy. This sour-souled, slack-eyed, gorbellied, muddle-headed guy. The fucking guy is still insisting he won the election.

I am SO sick of this guy. I'm sick of hearing his voice — his griping, carping, sneering voice. I'm sick of hearing his name and seeing it on everything from buildings to flags to signs. I'm sick of his hideous presence on television, which he haunts like some gross and malevolent spectre. I'm sick of his ridiculous hair. I'm sick of seeing his face — his slack-eyed, flaccid, pouty-mouthed, jaundiced face. I'm sick of knowing he even fucking exists. I'm SO goddamned sick of him.

I'm sick of his appallingly ignorant and loathsome adult children. I'm sick of his wife. I'm sick of ALL of his wives. I'm sick of his democracy-hating sycophants in the Senate. I'm sick of his ass-licking toadies in the House of Representatives. I'm sick of all his groveling and cringing 'news personalities' on television and in the newspapers. I'm sick of his apologists and enablers. I'm completely sick of his fawning, eyelash-batting, lickspittle Press Secretary. I'm sick of every single goddamned person in his easily-replaced, unprofessional, ill-equipped, odious, merry-go-round of a Cabinet.

Fuck this guy. Fuck everybody in his orbit. Fuck everybody who volunteered to work for him. Fuck everybody who campaigned for him. Fuck everybody who planted one of his yard signs in their yard. Fuck everybody who bought and flew one of his godawful flags. Fuck the people who made and sold the flags. Fuck everybody who voted for him. Seriously, just fuck this guy.

There. I needed that. I feel better now. Normally I read the news in the morning, then think about it for a while, calmly and objectively, before I say or write anything. But this morning that I WON THE ELECTION tweet just flat out pissed me off. It's a bright sunny day and I didn't want to let this fucking guy ruin it. So I decided to vent. Get the ugly shit out of my system. Now I can get on with my day and be happy and have fun.

One Reply to “Fuck This Guy”

  1. Thank you for the rant. This is how i feel. And to think we have to wait until January to be rid of him! Even today in southern Utah there are still people waving those stupid flags. The Back the Blue flag was also popular here. It is really hard to take sometimes.

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