
I will be the first to admit that over the years I've lost track of the Marvel cinematic universe, but that was my reaction after finally seeing Infinity War on HBO last week.

I've never read a single comic, and of the nineteen (!) films released so far (don't worry – there are at least a half dozen more in the pipeline), I've seen only 8—and even fewer in an actual theater. It's not that I don't enjoy them; I'm just not a big enough fan to justify putting the time or effort into the following the franchise.

While I understand Infinity War left wet spots in fanboy panties, it left me scratching my head—maybe because I'm not really up to speed on what's been happening? Keeping that in mind, my take away was that it seemed like little more an excuse to bring pretty much all of the characters together in a single film and then kill half of them off—for what purpose? (And quite frankly, I found bringing the humorous Guardians of the Galaxy aesthetic into the much more serious environment of the rest of the Marvelverse was more than a bit incongruous.)

Just call me a heretic and burn me at the stake.

And questions…so. many. questions!

Did Thanos' magic gauntlet wipe out half of all life everywhere or was it just half of sentient species? Is half the biosphere of every planet everywhere now just gone? Instead of restoring balance (as was his intent?), if that's the case isn't that likely to make an even bigger mess of things?

Just askin'

That being said, of course now I have to see Endgame just to see how all this is rectified—because you know all those superheroes aren't just gonna stay dead. Keeping in mind my obviously limited knowledge of the franchise, I predict a deus ex machina. Or time travel. Or magic. Or all of the above. Maybe tacos.

(Feel free to post spoilers and save me $15 that might be better spent on tacos.)

One Reply to “Wut?!?”

  1. I could tell you but it's complicated. If you remember the gold ladies from Guardians of the Galaxy 2, well they… make… well, as I said, it's complicated.

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