
In German folklore, Walpurgis Night was believed to be the night of a witches' meeting on the Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz Mountains, a range of wooded hills in central Germany.

Best wishes on Walpurgisnacht to all who observe the day.  May your will be done and your ends be achieved.

I've Got News for Them…

…Californians aren't the only ones.

From CBS News:

Californians want to keep working from home post-pandemic

Working from home could be one of the pandemic practices that's here to stay, CBS Los Angeles reports. A new survey from the University of Sothern California and the California Emerging Technology Fund explored Californians feelings about remote work, remote learning and telehealth after more than a year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers say they have found hesitancy about each of these practices have been swept away.

"Now we're seeing a seismic shift in the way people want to work, learn and manage health visits among those who have broadband access. Those changes give us a real opportunity to cut congestion and carbon emissions," Hernan Galperin, the study's lead researcher and an associate professor at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, said in a statement.

The survey found that 42% of current, full-time remote workers want to keep working from home. Another 21% who also want to keep working from home say they are willing to go into the office one or two days a week. However, 17% of those surveyed say they want to go back to their workplaces five days a week.

However, the opportunity for telecommuting was not evenly distributed among workers. People between 18 and 34 were found to be the least likely to be able to work from home, with the perk being most available to people earning $60,000 or more a year. College-educated women were most likely to be able to work from home, according to the survey.

In distance learning, one-third of Californians 18 or older said they took an online class or training during the pandemic. Two thirds of those surveyed said they would continue distance learning if they have the opportunity, with the likelihood increasing with age.

Use of telehealth during the pandemic also jumped, with just over half of respondents to the survey being able to access their healthcare by phone, smartphone or computer. However, usage was also uneven in this area — people of color were less likely to use telehealth services, while seniors 65 and older used it the most, despite their lower levels of internet connectivity and tech savvy. The survey also found that Los Angeles County showed the lowest level of telehealth participation at 46%.

Wider adoption of telecommuting, telehealth and distance learning could drastically impact traffic across the state, the survey found. More than half expected to cut their commute at least once a week after the pandemic, while 70% of respondents who used telehealth services anticipate cutting their medical-related car trips by at least half after the pandemic.


From I.Am.Mental:

I have all kinds of thoughts about people getting vaccinated. It's a lot like wearing a mask… might save someone's life.
Even yours.

Many people aren't getting the shot based on the dumb fucks at fox news… and those shitbags have been vaccinated! Tucker and Laura and all the other little assholes got their shot. But they're telling YOU not to.

Whatever. I know people who won't get a shot. I can't change their mind(s) but that's not my goddamn job.

I read a post last week from one of my brothers. He believes (or says he believes) that the shot will 'change your DNA' and then the angels won't recognize you when you get to heaven and they will turn you away.


I've read other really stupid thoughts about it, but my very favorite was on Twitter this week in several different posts I read. It's weird. One person will come up with some crazy shit and other people will either retweet or add to it and make it their own.
But really.

"If you get this devil-made vaccine, you will TASTE GOD'S FURRY!"

Yeah, that's how they typed it.
Still laughing over it.

So yeah. Don't get the shot.

Not only will you be tracked by Bill Gates, glow in the dark, have a 5G network built in and probably DIE, you won't get into heaven if you do!

And unless you want to taste God's Furry, best to steer clear.

Ever wonder how people become so stupid?

Yeah. Me too.

The Illustrated Man

He took his shirt off and wadded it in his hands. He was covered with Illustrations from the blue tattooed ring about his neck to his belt line.

"It keeps right on going," he said, guessing my thought. "All of me is Illustrated. Look." He opened his hand. On his palm was a rose, freshly cut, with drops of crystal water among the soft pink petals. I put my hand out to touch it, but it was only an Illustration.

As for the rest of him, I cannot say how I sat and stared, for he was a riot of rockets and fountains and people, in such intricate detail and color that you could hear the voices murmuring small and muted, from the crowds that inhabited his body. When his flesh twitched, the tiny mouths flickered, the tiny green-and-gold eyes winked, the tiny pink hands gestured. there were yellow meadows and blue rivers and mountains and stars and suns and planets spread in a Milky Way across his chest. The people themselves were in twenty or more odd groups upon his arms, shoulder, back, sides and wrists, as well as on the flat of his stomach. You found them in forests of hair, lurking among a constellation of freckles, or peering from armpit caverns, diamond eyes aglitter. Each seemed intent upon his own activity, each was a separate gallery portrait.

—Ray Bradbury, The Illustrated Man