"What the Hell Did We Just Watch?"

About a third of the way in, you'll find yourself asking, "WTF did I get myself into?" and ponder whether it's better to cut your losses and shut it off, or continue on and hope it starts to make sense.

By the end of the flick, you'll probably be glad you stuck with it, but you'll still be asking yourself, "What the FUCK did I just watch?" It will start to make some sense, and you may actually come to find out you really loved it. (Or at least loved it enough that you'll write a blog post about it and recommend it to your friends.)

Mark My Words…

They are itching to get this whole matter before the Supreme Court in hopes of creating a "Final Solution."

Did anyone seriously think they were going to stop with abortion rights? I don't think it's too hyperbolic to say they these MAGA nutjob Republicans have wet dreams of reinstating slavery and straight white male ownership of everything.

Relateable. And Hot.

Juan and Gabriel
The Blonde One (2019) · Dir. Marco Berger

Can't tell you how many times this happened on my commutes in San Francisco on a packed MUNI train.