Every Day I Wake Up, Look Over…

…and silently thank the gods that I have Ben in my life.

Five years ago the absolute last thing I expected in my life was a relationship—even though just prior to meeting Ben I had told the universe (or whoever/whatever was listening) that after a lifetime of less-than-successful attempts at coupling and a dozen or so years of being very, very single, I was ready to love again. I had run that line through my head many times before, but this time it was different; this time I felt it in the very fiber of my being. Even with that being said, in my wildest fantasies, I could not have even imagined the awesomeness that was about to enter my life—much less that I would be legally married five years later.

Sure, this past year has been difficult on us for a variety of reasons, but it's never strained our bond and through it all we've always been there for each other. As I lay there this morning watching Ben sleep, I was once again struck at how—and I hate to use the word because of its religious connotations, but nothing else springs to mind to describe it—blessed I am that we're together.


2 Replies to “Every Day I Wake Up, Look Over…”

  1. While you were looking at me this morning, did you at least wipe the drool from my face…

    :-p Love you bubba!

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