I Used to Love to Drive

Sadly, that's something else that living in Denver has stripped the joy out of. Between the weather, the never-ending string of potholes, and the absolute assholery displayed by drivers in this city, it's almost gotten to the point where I loathe even getting in the car.

I used to think the streets in Phoenix were bad.  They're smooth as glass compared to what I have to deal with on a daily basis here.

And much like my last commute in the Bay Area (San Francisco to Foster City), many mornings I now find myself asking, "Is this the day I die, or am horribly maimed—or my car destroyed—by some jerkwad weaving in and out between cars who thinks that even though traffic is moving 75 in a 65 zone, it's still too slow, or by some ass putting on makeup or texting while driving?"

Yes, I have the option of taking public transit, and I'm doing that more and more often, but there are some days I either have to drive to work for whatever reason or I simply can't bear the thought of having to get up a half hour earlier in order to get my ass on the bus/train and be to work on time.

And no matter how much I plan on taking transit on snow days, invariably the days I need to drive (like next week when I take the car back in for service) snow is predicted. Seriously. I can't seem to catch a break.

I'm getting fucking tired of it.

2 Replies to “I Used to Love to Drive”

  1. Poor, poor Alex. Moved to a place that snows and has bad drivers. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Denver is heaven compared to Boston. Our potholes are famous for swallowing small cars and our drivers are so bad, they make Denveronians look like Grandma driving on a Sunday. At least you have wide roads to drive on – we have paved over former Colonial cow paths masquerading as roads.

    And don't even get me started on that fact that in Boston at least, stop signs and traffic signals are only a suggestion, turn signals are for wimps, and rotaries are meant to be driven into at 20 mph above the speed limit – and damn the right of way of the cars already in the rotary.

    Poor, poor Alex. 😉

  2. When I lived in Phx , a few months in '84, before freeways, I loved it. I feel your pain about idiot drivers, we have our fair share here in L.A.. At least here in L.A. the weather is great 95% of the time..

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