What I Don't Understand…

…is how and why so many people of my generation—who were children in the free-love 60s, teenagers in the anti-war 70s, and came of age in the "Do What You Wanna Do" 80s—have turned into such ridiculous, conservative right-wing christian douchebags in adulthood.

That's the reason I haven't been to a single High School Reunion. With only two exceptions, (one a liberal gay I met in first grade and the other a slightly conservative-to-middle-of-the-road straight Jew who was one of my best friends in high school) I haven't kept in touch with anyone I went to school with. What little I have gleaned from cursory social media searches over the years has told me all I need to know and confirmed that I want nothing to do with any of those people.


One Reply to “What I Don't Understand…”

  1. El Segundo High School here in the LA area leaves me with that exact same feeling.

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