Goodbye 2008!

I was going to try and write something profound, but for some reason words are eluding me this afternoon.  All I can say is that I am reminded of what I wrote a year ago, "Yes, 2008 is definitely looking up, and I can only hope it's filled with as many pleasant surprises as 2007!" and think of the phrase, "Be careful of what you ask for, because you will get it."

2008 began with a new apartment, and ended with a new relationship, neither of which were even on my radar screen a year ago, and now I look ahead with nervous anticipation at what 2009 may have waiting in the wings.  (All of it good, but no doubt a lot of it also completely unexpected.)

All I can say for certain on this last afternoon of 2008 is that one year from now I will be changed—and changed for the better—from whom I am today.  I look forward to the wonderful new chapter in my life that meeting Ben and beginning our journey together has brought, and eagerly anticipate to the changes that will be brought about in our country by a having new President in the White House.

(Unlike some of my fellow bloggers, I'm still willing to cut Obama some slack; he's a newbie and is bound to make some horrific errors as he gets his footing as our elected leader.  If, however, two years from now he's still making the sorts of mistakes that have some of my copatriots up in arms, I will have to reconsider.  But for now…I'm willing to just wait and see how it all plays out.)

So with that thought, I sincerely wish all of you a Happy New Year, and hope the next twelve months will be as good to you as the last twelve months have been to me!

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