Trying To Make Sense Of It All

I know it's a losing proposition, but I was standing in the shower this morning trying to figure out where all this unbridled hate that's running in the streets of this country has come from. Why now, and most importantly, what do the 25% of eligible voters who actually voted for the asshole and apparently agree with—or at least overlook—the overt racism Trump has vociferously denounced encouraged actually think is going to happen when the man assumes power?

Okay, for the sake of argument let's assume that Trump gets his magic wall constructed (who is going to build it and exactly how the thing is actually going to get built remains another huge question) and somehow manages to successfully rip countless families apart and deport several million undocumented immigrants to Mexico. Do he or his minions have any idea what that is going to do to the economy? Do they seriously think that many people can be removed from the machinery of commerce without any negative repercussions? Do they even care?

"No, gol-durnit, because all those Mexicans are gonna be gone!"

I believe that not too long ago a group of regressive legislators in some southern hellhole tried to rid their state of all those pesky undocumented laborers and found themselves with millions of acres of cotton (or some agricultural product) rotting in the fields for lack of workers to pick it. Did all their state's out-of-work white workers line up to take their places?

Of course they didn't. BECAUSE AMERICANS DON'T WANT TO DO THESE JOBS. If they did there wouldn't be a market for undocumented workers in the first place!

Who exactly do they think is going to pick their vegetables (or scrub their toilets, or pave their roads or perform the myriad other unskilled labor jobs that are ostensibly performed by non-whites—documented and otherwise—in this country)? Do they think their unemployed cousins, nieces, aunts, brothers, sisters, or other blood relatives are going to flood the employment offices in a rush to clean urinals? Are they willing to stand out there in the soon to be universal hundred plus degree summer heat and lay asphalt? (Because apparently not only are we going to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord, but we're actually going to roll back  existing environmental regulations as well, pretty much assuring that Florida will be completely underwater sooner rather than later—and considering the role that godforsaken state has played in recent elections that might not be such a bad thing.)

Of course they won't…and they certainly aren't going to agree to do it for minimum wage (which will probably also be abolished before long, come to think of it). But don't worry—Trump is going to bring all those manufacturing jobs back to 'murika!

Get ready for your shiny new iPhone to cost $2000—at least—if Apple is forced to bring their manufacturing back to these shores.

The people who seem to want to "make America great white again," AKA the low information voters who apparently think the Cheeto-faced Shitgibbon is going to wave a magic wand and make all their lives better don't really seem to have a clue about the unintended consequences of what Trump's promises (if they're even actually fulfilled) will do to their lives, because that would actually involve thinking beyond their blind racism. No, it's easier to blame their own continued unemployment on the hoards of brown-skinned workers literally flooding across the border (Faux News said so!) instead of—I dunno—actually doing something about improving their skill sets so they are employable in a 21st century economy.

Are they prepared to take on their aging parents' medical expenses after Medicare is wiped out? Do any of them have financial portfolios (or enough money stuffed in a sock under the mattress) that will provide the bare minimum of subsistence that Social Security would at least provide?

Somehow I seriously doubt that as well.

And who's going to pay for their medical care after "Obamacare" is repealed?

And since we're on the subject of rolling back all social progress of the last 80 years, can someone please tell me how preventing gays from marrying (or mixed races for that matter, because while nothing has been said about it I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to hear that's coming once the easy targets have fallen)—or worse—is going to improve their marriages and their lives? In fact, how is taking away someone else's rights supposed to increase your own? Just once I'd like to hear one of these troglodytes explain how that happens.

2 Replies to “Trying To Make Sense Of It All”

  1. tRumps calls for "unity" make me want to puke. (even more than St. Ronnie or W) My fear comes from the fact that we now have a right-wing evangelical "christian" in the 2nd highest office in the country.

  2. I grew up in rural Michigan. The white people there hated minorities and education back in the 1970s. Nothing has changed. Many of these rural white folks are religious and are used to following a white, male, straight authority figure. And I guess that is what Trump is. Plus the fact that they agree with his racism and delight in knowing that educated people and minorities are going to "get what they deserve."

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