Quote of the Day

"Newt Gingrich's mind is in love with itself. It has persuaded itself that it is brilliant when it is merely promiscuous. This is not a serious mind. Gingrich is not, to put it mildly, a systematic thinker. His mind is a jumble, an amateurish mess lacking impulse control. He plays air guitar with ideas, producing air ideas. He ejaculates concepts, notions and theories that are as inconsistent as his behavior. He didn't get whiplash being a serial adulterer while impeaching another serial adulterer, a lobbyist for Freddie Mac while attacking Freddie Mac, a self-professed fiscal conservative with a whopping Tiffany's credit line, and an anti-Communist Army brat who supported the Vietnam War but dodged it." – Maureen Dowd

One Reply to “Quote of the Day”

  1. These kinds of crystal clear summations are never absorbed by the people who would benefit from them: it's literally a firewall situation. Aren't people of good will being driven completely mad on a daily basis by witnessing things like Newt Gingrich becoming the front runner in the GOP race?

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