And Once Again…

iTunes has scrambled all the music on my phone.


The latest is duplicate playlists…but not exact duplicates.

I noticed this evening that I had "iTunes Sync" and "iTunes Sync 1" on both the phone and in iTunes. Where the fuck did iTunes Sync 1 come from?! Looking at each list, it was obvious they were not identical; one had several dozen songs that were not present on the other list.

I tried manually deleting the duplicate list, but with each sync it returned. But then for some reason the last time I deleted it, not only did iTunes Sync 1 delete, but it also cleared out the contents (but not the playlist itself) of iTunes Sync!


Thankfully I had a paper copy of what was in that playlist, so it was just a matter of dragging and dropping it back into place, but to be sure the glitch was gone I elected to wipe the phone and reinstall from scratch.

This shouldn't be happening. Remember Apple? It Just Works.

Yeah, I can no longer say that to people with a straight face.

I realized the other day that it all started going to hell the minute they started playing in the cloud. Prior to iCloud, everything did (for the most part) just work.

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