As the FSM is My Witness…

The day that "man-buns" start taking over gay porn is the day the amount of time I spend online drops dramatically.

Stop. Just stop. They aren't attractive and they make you look like a flaming douchenozzle.

2 Replies to “As the FSM is My Witness…”

  1. They're not attractive on anyone, anywhere. The hottest guy is made less attractive with one. It reminds me of the bully on King of the Hill that antagonized Bobby Hill. He had more of a ponytail, but it was the same unattractive quality.

    And while we're at it, I saw a guy in his 30s, (and his 300s too, pounds-wise) with his pants secured under his ass the other day, and thought, "really?" We're going into our third decade of that particular fad. It's at least as ridiculous and unattractive.

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